We Livestream!!!

We LIVESTREAM our lectures and panels!!!! Join us. It's easy! Subscribe to our YouTube channel and you will get alerts! The stream will start about 5 minutes before each event.

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Lubbock Christian ‘ON the GO’ at the LTL

You and your church ministry team are invited to join us for a time of fellowship and encouragement. We know you are busy, so we are coming to you!

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Mark Lanier Interviews His Mother

Mark Lanier Interviewed his mother in the Biblical Literacy class. He's interviewed a lot of people and it was a great pleasure for all. And you need to hear Mrs. Lanier's sweet potato story...

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Cafe Theology

Sometimes the best conversations break out over a good cup of coffee. Dr. David Capes, our Senior Research Fellow, not only loves coffee, he loves theology, and he is recognized as a master teacher.  On three Tuesdays in the winter - Jan. 26, Feb. 2, Feb. 9 at 7:00 pm

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