Ph. (346) 336-5010 | Hours: 9 - 5 M - F, Tues 9 - 9

March 5, 2022 Lecture by William Lane Craig

Registration is now open for the Friday panel and Saturday night lecture!

Click HERE to register for the Friday panel.

Click HERE to register for the Saturday lecture.

Lecture Topic: Philosophical Issues in the Atonement: In Defense of Penal Substitution

The British philosopher, A. J. Ayer, once remarked that Christianity is arguably the worst of the world’s religions because it rests, in Ayer’s words, on the “allied doctrines of original sin and vicarious atonement, which are intellectually contemptible and morally outrageous.” Three sorts of objections have been lodged against the doctrine of vicarious atonement: (1) Substitutionary punishment is incoherent; (2) Substitutionary punishment is unjust; and (3) Substitutionary punishment is unsatisfactory. In this talk, William Lane Craig will examine these three objections and defend the coherence, justice, and satisfactoriness of Christ’s substitutionary atonement for our sins.

William Lane Craig is Professor of Philosophy at Houston Baptist University and a Visiting Scholar at Talbot School of Theology in La Mirada, California. To learn more about him, click HERE.