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Episode 138 Miracles and Parables with Samuel Pagan

Episode 138 Miracles and Parables with Samuel Pagan

“Miracles, Parables, and Jesus” is the latest episode of the Stone Chapel Podcast, It was recorded in person at the Lanier Theological Library. 

This is Dr. Pagan’s first visit to the library. In the future he will assist us in building out our Spanish collection.

Spanish Lecture at LTL, Miracles and Parables of Jesus

Every year the Lanier Theological Library holds a lecture in Spanish for our Spanish-speaking guests and colleagues.  For this lecture we had nearly 300 in attendance. 

This year the lecture was entitled:

Mensajes y Milagros de Jesús el Cristo: Implicaciones Transformadoras

 (Messages and Miracles of Jesus the Christ: Transforming Implications)

Esta presentación explorará la estrecha relación teológica y pedagógica entre los mensajes y los milagros de Cristo. El Dr. Pagán cubrirá las diferentes metodologías utilizadas por Jesús para transmitir su mensaje y analizará el modo en que los milagros complementaron esas enseñanzas.

(This presentation will explore the close theological and pedagogical relationship between the messages and miracles of Christ. Dr. Pagan covers the different methodologies used by Jesus to convey his message. He will analyze the way in which his miracles complemented his teaching.)

In this podcast Dr. Pagan talks with David Capes (in English . . .) about his lecture and summarizes many of his main points. 

Who is Samuel Pagan?

Dr. Samuel Pagan is a Bible scholar from Puerto Rico. He has been recognized as one of the leading translators of the Bible in the Spanish-speaking world.

As a prolific writer, he has over 70 books and thousands of articles published of biblical, theological, and pastoral themes.

And he has edited five Study Editions of the Bible. He is an ordained minister of the Disciples of Christ Church, and with his wife, Dr. Nohemi C. Pagan, teaches not only in the Hispanic communities in the USA, Europe, and Latin America, but in the Holy Land and the Middle East.

To see the video of his lecture (in Spanish) please click here.

Would you like to watch more lecture videos in Spanish?  Please click here. And here.

And you can find Dr. Pagan’s LinkedIn profile by clicking here.

More resources

Want more Stone Chapel Podcasts on some great topics. Just click here.

What’s more, you can get information on upcoming lectures at Lanier Theological Library. Just click here.

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