The Stone Chapel Podcasts
Hosted by David Capes
Amy Allan
Amy Allan
Amy is a third year Old Testament Biblical Studies Ph.D. student at Wheaton College under the supervision of Dr. Michael Graves. Her research interests include patristic and rabbinic interpretations of Scripture, anthropomorphic language for God, Old Testament prophets, theology, literary characterization, rhetoric, and ancient Near Eastern culture. Amy completed her M.Div. at Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri and is currently in the ordination discernment process at her local church. Her ministry flows from her own journey with Christ and includes advocating for the safety of abuse survivors, leading worship in multi-ethnic churches, anti-racism activism, care for the homeless, speaking in a variety of academic and ecclesial contexts, serving in programs for juvenile patients with cranio-facial anomalies, and finding creative ways to engage and honor Native American traditions.
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