The Stone Chapel Podcasts
Hosted by David Capes
Sandra Richter
Sandra Richter
Sandra (‘Sandy’) Richter (PhD, Harvard) joined David Capes by Zoom to talk about her 2020 book The Stewards of Eden: What Scripture Says about the Environment and Why It Matters (IVP, 2020). David and Sandy’s paths have crossed a number of times in meetings of Scripture scholars. Much of what Sandy has thought and written about during her career has to do with creation and the fall (Genesis 1-3). This book is no different, but it takes Sandy’s concerns about the environment to a new level. Sandy hopes to awaken the sleeping giant, that is, the passion, energy and focus of evangelical Christians and churches, to understand and act consistently with Scripture and the gospel when it comes to the environment. She has written what amounts to a biblical theology of environmental stewardship that demands a response. She wants to move evangelicals past the politics to a courageous moral stance when it comes to God’s earth and everything in it.
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