Ph. (346) 336-5010 | Hours: 9 - 5 M - F, Tues 9 - 9

Lecture: “Philosophical Issues in the Atonement: In Defense of Penal Substitution” from William Craig

N.T. Wright - June 4, 2022

The Romans Road: Through the Dark Valley

Preachers have often expounded Paul’s Letter to the Romans in terms of a “road” to salvation in which we acknowledge our sin, recognize the death of Jesus as God’s remedy, and then “believe” – and that’s about it! But the “Romans Road” is longer, and darker than that. That’s just as well. Our pathways often lead through dark valleys, both individually and globally, as we see just now with the pandemic not yet over and a new barbaric war in eastern Europe threatening us all. Paul gives us the road map for just such a time in Romans 8: 18-30, including a fresh vision of prayer and of the Spirit's work. Strangely, it is in the dark valley that we are called to discern, and even to share, something vital about the inner life of God himself.

From Series: "LTL Lecture Series Academic Year 2021-2022"

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