Below are some of the books we added to our collection in April. Some books may be linked to reviews. Books linked to Review of Biblical Literature require a Society of Biblical Literature membership to see the full review, but you can read a brief description with the link provided.
- The Ancient Egyptian Netherworld Books by John Coleman Darnell and Colleen Manassa Darnell (2018)
- The Art of Bible Translation by Robert Alter (2019)
- The Book of Revelation: A Biography (Lives of Great Religious Books) by Timothy Beal (2018)
- Buried Hope or Risen Savior?: The Search for the Jesus Tomb edited by Charles L. Quarles (2008)
- Cloud of Witnesses by Jim Wallis and Joyce Hollyday (2005)
- Comentario Biblico Contemporaneo Estudio de toda la Biblia Desde America Latina Kairos Edition by C. Rene Padilla, Milton Acosta, and Rosalee Velloso (2019)
- A Course in Desert Spirituality by Thomas Merton (2019)
- Everyday Holiness: The Jewish Spiritual Path of Mussar by E. Alan Morinis (2009)
- Exploring the Holy Land: 150 Years of the Palestine Exploration Fund edited by David Gurevich and Anat Kidron (2019)
- From Liturgy to Pharmacology: Christian Sogdian Texts from the Turfan Collection by Nicholas Sims-Williams (2019)
- Frustrated with God: A Syrian Theologian’s Reflections on Habakkuk by Riad A. Kassis (2016)
- Gilead: A Novel by Marilynne Robinson (2004)
- Gilgamesh by Louise M. Pryke (2019)
- Going for the Gold by Joe L. Wall (2015)
- Happiness and Other Small Things of Absolute Importance by Haim Shapira (2016)
- Haroset: A Taste of Jewish History by Susan Weingarten (2019)
- History of Art: A Survey of the Major Visual Arts from the Dawn of History to the Present Day by H. W. Janson and Dora Jane Janson (1984)
- Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow by Yuval Noah Harari and Derek Perkins
- If God Is So Good, Why Are Things So Bad?: The Problem of Suffering from Job to Jesus by Melvin Tinker (2019)
- The Interactions of Ancient Astral Science by David Brown (2018)
- The Jerusalem Temple and Early Christian Identity by Timothy Wardle (2010)
- Judges (Asia Bible Commentary Series) by Athena E. Gorospe and Charles Ringma (2016)
- Lamentations (Asia Bible Commentary Series Judges (Asia Bible Commentary Series)) by Federico G. Villanueva (2016)
- Love Kindness: Discover the Power of a Forgotten Christian Virtue by Barry H. Corey (2016)
- Love Your Enemies: How Decent People Can Save America from the Culture of Contempt by Arthur C. Brooks (2019)
- Psalms 1-72 (Asia Bible Commentary Series) by Federico G. Villanueva (2016)
- The Royal Inscriptions of Ashurbanipal (668-631 BC), Assur-etel-ilani (630-627 BC), and Sin-sarra-iskun (626-612 BC), Kings of Assyria, Part 1 by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers (2018)
- Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind; Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow by Yuval Noah Harari and Derek Perkins (2017)
- Scripture and Its Interpretation: A Global, Ecumenical Introduction to the Bible edited by Michael J. Gorman (2017)
- The Shadow of Justice by Milton Hirsch (2004)
- Suffering in Romans by Siu Fung Wu (2015)
- The Syriac Tradition of the Infancy Gospel of Thomas: A Critical Edition and English Translation by Tony Burke (2017)
- 10 Things a Husband Needs from His Wife: Everyday Ways to Show Him Love by Erin Smalley (2017)
- 10X for Christ: Discovering Your 10X Lifestyle in Jesus Christ by Carlos E. Rosales (2019)
- Transhumanism and the Image of God by Jacob Shatzer (2019)
- 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari (2018)
- The Trowel and the Truth: A Guide to Field Archaeology in the Holy Land by Scott Stripling (2017)