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Michael Bird, An Invasive Story: Paul’s Theology Between Messianic Event and Salvation-History”


Lecture Listening Guides

by David  Capes

Listening Guide—The Lanier Theological Library

Lecturer:  Dr. Michael Bird

Title: “An Invasive Story: Paul’s Theology Between Messianic Event and Salvation-History”

Date of Lecture: Feb 6 2016


  1. Bird describes four approaches to Paul.  What are they?
  2. Assuming the Apocalyptic Paul approach, where does the cross fit in?a
  3. How does this apocalyptic invasion relate to Israel’s story and the salvation-historical approach? In particular, how does Lou Martyn see the relationship between the two?
  4. What does Bird mean when he says that the Apocalyptic Paul approach has a tendency to play down salvation-historical continuity?
  5. What does Bird mean when he says that the Apocalyptic Paul approach sees the unveiling of salvation in the revelation of Jesus Christ apart from the law?
  6. What does Bird mean when he says that the Apocalyptic Paul approach sees the law as an agent of oppressive power?
  7. What does Bird mean when he says that the Apocalyptic Paul approach sees the invasion of grace as the end of religion?
  8. Define apocalypse, apocalyptic eschatology, apocalypticism.
  9. What are the two “species” of apocalyptic eschatology according to de Boers?
  10. What does Bird think of this neat distinction between the two?
  11. How do Israel’s history and election figure into the apocalypses?
  12. What does Bird mean when he says “Outside Israel there is no salvation”?
  13. What does Bird mean when he says apocalyptic literature is richly intertextual?
  14. Bird says Karl Barth influenced Lou Martyn’s approach to Paul in Galatians?What was his context?  What was his genius?
  15. Bird says Martyn targets an implicit Pelagianism of the mainline churches. What does he mean? He also thinks Martyn may be concerned about an exuberant evangelicalism.  Again, what does he mean?
  16. Read Galatians 3:15-29 along with Dr. Bird in your Bible. Comment on the following:
    Martyn’s reading: puts the law in a negative light
    Martyn’s reading: Paul is not a covenantal theologian
    Martyn’s reading: Paul declares a divorce between salvation and Israel
  17. How does Bird respond to Martyn’s reading?
  18. How does Bird take Paul’s ostensibly negative portrayal of the law in positive ways?Protective custody
    Minor under a guardian
  19. Can the Apocalyptic approach to Paul and the Salvation-Historical approach ever be reconciled?How does Bird do it?