Episode 084 How Scripture Interprets Scripture with Michael Graves
Michael Graves (PhD, Hebrew Union College), Armerding Professor of Biblical Studies at Wheaton College, has written a wonderful book entitled: How Scripture Interprets Scripture: What Biblical Writers Can Teach Us about Reading the Bible (Baker Academic). He stops by to talk with David Capes on the podcast about how this book came about and how he hopes it helps the church engage more meaningfully in reading the Old and New Testaments as Christian Scripture. Even in the first testament we find writers who have read earlier traditions and reflected upon them in later centuries (Remember, the Bible is not a single book but a library of books, written and collected through the centuries). We see this dynamic of interpretation as the New Testament reflects on the Old (Remember, the “Bible” of Jesus, Paul and the first Christians was the Old Testament). One of the seminal rules in hermeneutics (the science of interpretation) is that we allow Scripture to interpret Scripture. Dr. Graves helps us to see and hear exactly how this is done.
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