Below is a list of some titles we added to our shelves in July. Some titles may be linked to reviews. Books linked to Review of Biblical Literature require a Society of Biblical Literature membership to see the full review, but you can read a brief description with the link provided.
- The Always God: He Hasn’t Changed and You Are Not Forgotten by Jarrett Stephens (2021)
- Biblical Worship: Theology for God’s Glory edited by Benjamin K. Forrest, Walter C. Kaiser Jr., and Vernon M. Whaley (2021)
- Called to Care: A Christian Vision for Nursing by Judith Allen Shelly, Arlene B. Miler, and Kimberly H. Fenstermacher (2021)
- Census Time in Bethlehem: A Children’s Musical About the Names of Jesus created by Pamela Vandewalker and Cherry Garasi (2011)
- Cradling Abundance: One African Christian’s Story of Empowering Women and Fighting Systemic Poverty by Monique Misenga Ngoie Mukuna (2021)
- The Coming Race Wars: A Cry for Justice, from Civil Rights to Black Lives Matter by William Pannell (2021)
- The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Revised Edition: 8-Volume Old Testament Set edited by Tremper Longman III and David E. Garland (2012)
- A Faith of Our Own by Austin Farrer (1960)
- Finding Your Yes: Living a Life That’s Open to God’s Invitations by Christine E. Wagoner (2021)
- Inerrancy and the Gospels: A God-Centered Approach to the Challenges of Harmonization by Vern Sheridan Poythress (2012)
- Isaiah (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, Volume 20) by Paul D. Wegner (2021)
- It’s Not Your Turn: What to Do While You’re Waiting for Your Breakthrough by Heather Thompson Day (2021)
- Lived Wisdom in Jewish Antiquity: Studies in Exercise and Exemplarity by Elisa Uusimäki (2021)
- Making Congregational Music Local in Christian Communities Worldwide (Congregational Music Studies) edited by Monique M. Ingalls, Muriel Swijghuisen Reigersberg, and Zoe C. Sherinian (2018)
- Mentoring in the Ensemble Arts: Helping Others Find Their Voice by Tim Sharp (2011)
- The Missionary Theologian: Sent into the World, Sanctified by the Word by E. D. Burns (2020)
- More Than Equals: Racial Healing for the Sake of the Gospel (IVP Signature Edition) by Spencer Perkins and Chris Rice (2021)
- The Religious Other: A Biblical Understanding of Islam, the Qur’an and Muhammad (Institute of Middle East Studies) edited by Martin Accad and Jonathan Andrews (2020)
- Singing the Congregation: How Contemporary Worship Music Forms Evangelical Community by Monique M. Ingalls (2018)
- T. F. Torrance as Missional Theologian: The Ascended Christ and the Ministry of the Church by Joseph H. Sherrard (2021)
- The 30-Minute Bible: God’s Story for Everyone by Craig G. Bartholomew and Paige P. Vanosky (2021)
- Truth for Today Commentary: Judges and Ruth by Harold Shank (2021)
- When Thoughts and Prayers Aren’t Enough: A Shooting Survivor’s Journey into the Realities of Gun Violence by Taylor S. Schumann (2021)