Lecture Listening Guides
by Dr. David Capes
Lecturer: Joseph Shulam
Title: Heretical Rabbis of the Talmud
Date: 02/08/2020
- Since truth is something that needs collaboration, how does Shulam collaborate the Bible?
- What do we know about Menahem?
- Hundreds of years later, the Rabbis said Menahem “went forth into evil courses.” What does Shulam say that means?
- How does the Manean in Acts 13 compare to Menahem?
- Why is that significant?
- Shulam likens Menahem to a supreme court judge. What does he say of the Apostle Paul?
- What purpose did it serve for those who stoned Stephen to put their coats at Saul’s feet?
- What was the heresy for which Rabbi Eliezer was arrested?
- What were some accusations against Christians detailed in Pliny’s letters to Trajan?
- What are the two exceptions for tithing in the Torah?
- What was it that impressed Eliezer enough to leave his faith and become a Christian?
- Shulam says that Jesus’ main role during his earthly ministry was what?
- Why does Shulam say that only 10% of the teaching in evangelical churches is from the Gospels?
- Why would Ben Dazma have asked for Jacob (a disciple of Jesus) to heal him for a snake bite?
- For what reason did the Rabbi not allow Ben Dazma to call for Jacob?
- What is the relationship between Jewish believers in Jesus and the Rabbinical community?
- Regarding Elisha, one of several very famous Rabbis before the year 125, what spiritual experience do they have?
- How are those Rabbis affected by this experience?
- What did Elisha see that caused him to become a Christian?
- Elisha’s name was changed after this experience. What did his new name mean?