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TSC_076 Vuyani Sindo, Leadership according to Paul

TSC_076 Vuyani Sindo, Leadership according to Paul

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TSC_076 Vuyani Sindo, Leadership according to Paul

Vuyani Sindo is Lecturer in Biblical Studies and head of the Biblical Studies department at George Whitefield College in Cape Town, South Africa.  He earned his PhD at the University of Stellenbosch.  In this podcast he talks with David Capes regarding what he’s discovered about leadership by reading Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians.  Although Paul founded the church, he found himself rejected by the church.  Most leadership studies, Sindo argues, focus the leader him/herself (anthropocentric).  Paul instead makes leadership theocentric, that is, all about God. Most leadership studies dabble in worldly wisdom and success strategies; Paul emphasizes that God is the one who gives the increase through the foolishness of the cross.  As more and more church leaders fail—often in public ways—Sindo believes that Christ-followers should identify with Christ and not their leaders.  Sindo offers some great insights on leadership for the church today!




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