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TSC_081 David Moore, Stuck in the Present

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TSC_081 David Moore, Stuck in the Present

David Capes welcomes David Moore to “The Stone Chapel Podcasts”.  David is an educator, speaker, and writer, and he came to discuss his recent book, Stuck in the Present: How History Frees and Forms Christians.  David and a few colleagues began a ministry called ‘Two Cities Ministries;” its mission is to help Christians better understand and articulate their faith.  He writes a regular blog entitled ‘Moore Engaging.’ Moore is concerned that as we live in a sound byte, social media culture where all data is democratized—that is, all information is considered equally important and true—Christians and even non-Christians will flounder until we are committed to the adage: to understand the past is to know the present.  The problem, he thinks, is that we are not yet desperate enough to start searching for wisdom.  He and David Capes discuss some of the benefits of reading history and biographies, and the clarity it could bring to the present.  For Moore, we will continue to be stuck in the present—not stranded—as long as we don’t take up and read good history.  For more about David Moore, go to


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