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TSC_082 Dallas Louis, Why Some Animals Eat Their Young

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TSC 082 Dallas Louis, Why Some Animals Eat Their Young

Author & speaker, Dallas Louis, stops by the Lanier Theological Library to talk with David Capes about her book,Why Some Animals Eat Their Young: A Survivor’s Guide to Motherhood.  If you liked Erma Bombeck, you will love Dallas Louis.  Dallas approaches life head on and tells it like it is, and it is with humor, honesty, and hope.  The book is about her journey through motherhood when she had three kids back to back not long after she and her husband, Jeff, got married. Together they did life and faced the trials and annoyances that go on.  But with the right faith and attitude, a person can experience grace, humor, and hope in all of life’s stress moment.  If you want to know more about Dallas or if you’d like her to speak to your group of young mothers, women or church, you can find her at


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