Episode 157 The Surprising Rebirth of Belief, J. Brierley

Why New Atheism Grew Old and Secular Thinkers Are Considering Christianity Again.

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Episode 156 The Visual Museum, Women in Early Christian Art

The Virtual Museum is about gathering images showing women at high levels of leadership in the church both in the medieval era an in earlier centuries as well.

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Episode 155 AWKNG School of Theology with Karla Adcox

The mission of the AWKNG School of Theology is to awaken Christians to a deeper understanding of the Bible. They would like to bridge the gaps between the academy and the church.

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Episode 154 Sacraments of the Catholic Church, Father Arroyo

Father Mario Arroyo describes a sacrament as an encounter with the real presence of God. He emphasizes the notion of “common-union” with Christ. He describes all the sacraments as God-initiated.

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