126 Making Christians: The Ancient Practice of Catechism
In today's podcast we discuss recovering the ancient practice of catechism, that is, teaching and training believers on their journey to baptism and living honestly out of that event. The basic idea: what does it mean to follow Jesus? Or what does it mean to become a Christian?
Episode 125. Deconstructing Evil with Ingrid Faro
Dr. Faro has written a book that examines the various words and meanings for evil in the Scriptures with particular focus upon Genesis. Her intent is on understanding the language of evil, its source, and then deconstructing evil so that its power over humans is lessened.
124. Being God’s Image: Why Creation Still Matters, C J Imes
What does it mean that human beings, male and female, are made in God’s image? Carmen Joy Imes challenges the translation of a little Hebrew preposition, most often translated “in.” She makes a compelling case that the point is that human beings are made AS God’s image.