Episode 163 Christians Coping with Pluralism, Darrell Bock
Pluralism exists. Cultures and values have shifted radically. It's been described as a culture war but rather than enemies, they are people to be gained.
Episode 162 Apologetics in Strasbourg France
Episode 162 Apologetics in Strasbourg, France with Craig Parton A few years ago David Fleming, the executive director of the Lanier Foundation, and Mark Lanier signed an agreement to host annually the John Warwick Montgomery Lecture in Evidential Apologetics. Along the way we have become acquainted with the International Academy
Episode 161 The Jesus Revolution in Nashville
The Jesus Revolution got its East Coast start in Nashville at Belmont church with pastor Don Finto. Much of Christian contemporary music has its roots there.
Episode 160 Why the Gospel? with Matthew Bates
Why did God give the gospel to the church? In his book Dr. Bates says that if it's just to deal with our sin problem, then that is not the complete story.