Episode 195 The Letter to the Hebrews with Amy Peeler
In Peeler's book, Letter to the Hebrews she asks, who is God as revealed in Hebrews, how are we to live in the light of this revelation, and how does reading this book change your life?
Episode 188 Is Reading the Bible Enough? with Brent Sandy
Reading the Bible in context, together with a community of believers, after diligent preparation, and in large portions is the best way of reading the Bible.
Episode 173 The State of Evangelicalism USA with Ed Stetzer
Stetzer studies culture, knows most of the players in evangelicalism, especially in North America and has his finger on the pulse of its current state.
Episode 172 The Gender of God, Part 2 with Amy Peeler
What is the gender of God? Is God male? Is God genderless or beyond gender? Does God contain the fullness of both genders? What does this mean for Christians?