NEW! Video Series: Artifacts in the Library

Interested in the artifacts on display in the library’s main hall? Now you can find out all the details through a new video series available on our website. In each video, archaeologists Tim Harrison and John Monson introduce basic archaeological methods, analyze the LTL’s artifacts and discuss the archaeology of

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NEW VIDEO! Mark Lanier invites you to the library.

The Lanier Library and Stone Chapel (HD version) from Lanier Theological Library on Vimeo. (Click “HD” to see this video at its best)

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As we prepare for the 9/24 lecture entitled, “The Fire That Consumes: A Biblical and Historical Study of the Doctrine of Final Punishment,” we asked lecturer Edward Fudge what books best represent the variety of perspectives on hell. We’ve put the books he recommended on display at the front of the

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