Two Stone Tablets
Recent additions to this library are two stone tablets resembling what Moses brought down Mt. Sinai.
 On Feb. 16, 2015, A. E. Tracy Potts delivered these granite tablets as donations from his own work with HaShem Artworks of San Antonio, Texas.  Tracy is the artist with a sense of calling to re-create these tablets described in Exodus and Deuteronomy.  The Ten Commandments are carefully inscribed on the front and back of each tablet with paleo-Hebrew letters which have been sandblasted into the stone. Each tablet weighs 50 pounds, but they are displayed beautifully on a walnut table on swivels so that with very little effort you can view both sides of both tablets.
Along with the donation of the tablets and display table, Tracy also gave us copies of his 2014 book, The Latest and Best Bible Translation—Yours! You can find it in our catalog and read about his choices of the forms for the paleo-Hebrew letters and much more.  The tablets are displayed in our west wing, just outside the entrance into the Malamat Room.