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This library now has over 10,000 offprints. An offprint is a printed copy of an article that originally appeared as part of a larger publication. A habit of many scholars in the past has been to exchange articles they wrote with colleagues they respect. Our offprints came with private collections or were donated separately. We have offprints by many authors that were collected by Abraham Malamat, William Hallo, Jack Sasson, David Owen, Emanuel Tov and others. They have all been alphabetized by the authors’ last names and are filed in black filing cabinets at the back of the C-Z books, upstairs in the west wing. If you know the author’s last name, you can easily find all the articles we have by him. If you need help using this resource, just ask a library staff member.

All content ©2020, Lanier Theological Library. All rights reserved. Photo credits to Laurel Wilson, David Capes, Joshua Siefert, Rebekah Fleming