Ph. (346) 336-5010 | Hours: 9 - 5 M - F, Tues 9 - 9

September 21, 2024 Lecture by Amy Orr-Ewing

Registration is now open for these events!

Friday, Sept. 20 Panel: “The Inklings, Dorothy Sayers, and the Problem of Pain”                                Click HERE to register for the panel. (Password: Orr-Ewing2024)

Click HERE to view the panel LIVE on YouTube. No need to register.

Saturday, Sept. 21 Lecture: “C. S. Lewis and the Problem of Pain”
Click HERE to register for the lecture. (Password: Orr-Ewing2024)

Click HERE to view the lecture LIVE on YouTube. No need to register.

C.S. Lewis has had a phenomenal impact on the reception of the Christian faith beyond his own lifetime. His writing on the Problem of Pain has been particularly meaningful for people struggling to reconcile a loving God with this pain filled world. In this session we will explore Lewis’ approach to suffering and ask what we can learn from it today and consider how to develop our own responses to the problem of evil and suffering that connect with the cultural moment we find ourselves in.

Dr. Amy Orr-Ewing is an international author, speaker and theologian who addresses the deep questions of our day with meaningful answers found in the Christian faith. She is the author of multiple books including Where is God in All the Suffering? and Why Trust the Bible?. In 2023, she was awarded the Alphege Medal for Evangelism and Witness by the Archbishop of Canterbury. She previously served as President of the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics and is now Honorary Lecturer at the School of Divinity, University of Aberdeen.