Episode 147 The Divine Warrior Myth with Andy Angel
Andy Angel came to the Lanier Theological Library in Houston and discussed with David Capes some ideas he had about “The Divine Warrior” in Scripture.
Who is Andy Angel?
Andy is the Director of Formation for Ministry in the Diocese of Oxford in the UK.
He arranges and plans for the theological education of the clergy and the lay people in the Anglican Church.
Andy is an Englishman and an Anglican clergy. For a time he served as a pastor-teacher in Lima, Peru. He is a husband and father. And he’s is also an author.
“The Divine Warrior” What does that mean?
There are passages in the Bible that describe God as a warrior for his people. When they are defeated, when they are down for the count, God arrives to fight for them.
And God’s coming is described in amazing pictures and images, such as God coming on the clouds, the falling of the stars from heaven, the mountains melting beneath his feet, the valleys quaking at his presence.
This is more than metaphor; it is figurative language, because the truth of it cannot be captured in words. As an example, he talks at length about Psalm 18.
Jesus as the Divine Warrior
Also in this podcast he turns his attention to an upcoming book about the Divine Warrior occurrences in the book Mark.
He is exploring how and to what extent Jesus’s conflicts with the demonic forces, diseases, and human power structures picture Jesus as the Divine Warrior.
If this is what Mark had in mind as he wrote his Gospel, he is operating with a very high Christology.
Andy’s Books
Here are more of Andy’s books:
Intimate Jesus: The Sexuality of God Incarnate
The Jesus You Really Didn’t Know
Playing with Dragons: Living with Suffering and God
For a transcript of this podcast, click here.
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