Below is a sampling of some titles we added to our shelves in August. Some titles may be linked to reviews. Books linked to Review of Biblical Literature require a Society of Biblical Literature membership to see the full review, but you can read a brief description with the link provided.
- Class and Power in Roman Palestine: The Socioeconomic Setting of Judaism and Christian Origins by Anthony Keddie (2019)
- Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table: It’s Time to Win the Battle of Your Mind by Louie Giglio (2021)
- The End of the Beginning: Joshua & Judges by Johanna W. H. Van Wijk-Bos (2019)
- Ethics Beyond Rules: How Christ’s Call to Love Informs Our Moral Choices by Keith D. Stanglin (2021)
- Granville Sharp’s Canon and Its Kin: Semantics and Significance (Studies in Biblical Greek) by Daniel B. Wallace (2009)
- The Heart of Anger: How the Bible Transforms Anger in Our Understanding and Experience by Christopher Ash and Steve Midgley (2021)
- The History of Christianity in Britain and Ireland: From the First Century to the Twenty-First by Gerald Bray (2021)
- The Jordan River Rules: 10 God-Given Strategies for Moving Forward by Robert J. Morgan (2021)
- Law, Literature, and Society in Legal Texts from Qumran: Papers from the Ninth Meeting of the International Organization for Qumran Studies, Leuven 2016 edited by Jutta Jokiranta and Molly Zahn (2019)
- Luther: Letters of Spiritual Counsel by Martin Luther, edited and translated by Theodore G. Tappert (2021)
- The Media Matrix of Early Jewish and Christian Narrative (The Library of New Testament Studies) by Nicholas A. Elder (2019)
- New Testament, Greek-English Doglot: New English Translation, Novum Testamentum Graece by Michael H. Burer, W. Hall Harris III, Daniel B. Wallace, et al. (2004)
- Prophets and Prophecy in the Ancient Near East (Writings from the Ancient World, Second Edition) by Martti Nissinen (2019)
- The Road Taken: An Archaeologist’s Journey to the Land of the Bible by Seymour Gitin (2021)
- The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy by Jonathan E. Soyars (2019)
- Soul Keeping: Caring for the Most Important Part of You by John Ortberg (2014)
- Spiritual Disciplines Handbook Practices That Transform Us (Revised and Expanded) by Adele Ahlberg Calhoun (2015)
- Stuck in the Present: How History Frees and Forms Christians by David George Moore (2021)
- Trusting God in the Darkness: A Guide to Understanding the Book of Job by Christopher Ash (2021)