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Book Signing at Gathercole Lecture

These books by Simon Gathercole will be available for purchase during the reception after the September 8 lecture and Gathercole will be signing books in one of the library’s back reading rooms. We will be accepting cash, checks and all major credit cards. 

The Preexistent Son: Recovering the Christologies of Matthew, Mark, and Luke by Simon Gathercole
LTL Price: $20
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In this challenging book, rising New Testament scholar Simon Gathercole contradicts a commonly held view among biblical scholars — that the Gospel of John is the only Gospel to give evidence for Jesus’ heavenly identity and preexistence. The Preexistent Son demonstrates that Matthew, Mark, and Luke were also well aware that the Son of God existed with the Father prior to his earthly ministry. Gathercole supports his argument by considering the “I have come” sayings of Jesus and strikingly similar angelic sayings discovered in Second Temple and Rabbinic literature. Further, he considers related topics such as Wisdom Christology and the titles applied to Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels.

Where is Boasting?: Early Jewish Soteriology and Paul’s Response in Romans 1-5 by Simon Gathercole
LTL Price: $20
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This important work challenges the validity of the “New Perspective” on Paul and Judaism. Working with new data fom Jewish literature and a fresh reading of Romans 1–5, Simon Gathercole produces a far-reaching criticism of the current approach to Paul and points a new way forward. Building on a detailed examination of the past generation of scholarship on Paul and early Judaism, Gathercole’s work follows two paths. First, he shows that while early Judaism was not truly oriented around legalistic works-righteousness, it did consider obedience to the Law to be an important criterion at the final judgment. On the basis of this reconstruction of Jewish thought and a rereading of Romans 1–5, Gathercole advances his main argument — that Paul did indeed combat a Jewish perspective that saw obedience to the Law both as possible and as a criterion for vindication at the final judgment. Paul’s reply is that obedience to the Law is not a criterion for the final judgment because human nature makes obedience to the Law impossible. His doctrine of justification can therefore be properly viewed in its Jewish context, yet anthropological issues also take center stage.

The Gospel of Judas: Rewriting Early Christianity by Simon Gathercole
LTL Price: $25
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“Judas” is synonymous with “traitor.” But a newly discovered ancient text of the Gospel of Judas offers a picture of Judas Iscariot radically different from the Church’s traditional understanding of him, and maintains that far from being the infamous betrayer, Judas was actually Jesus’s trusted friend and the recipient of secret revelation. Simon Gathercole’s new book includes a translation of the ancient Egyptian text of the Gospel of Judas and a running commentary, and offers new translations of all the ancient evidence about Judas Iscariot and the Gospel attributed to him. It gets behind the hype which the Gospel of Judas has attracted, and looks at why the group which produced the work were in such bitter conflict with the mainstream Christian church, and shows how the document provides us with a window into the turbulent world of Christianity and Gnosticism in the century after Jesus.

The Composition of the Gospel of Thomas: Original Language and Influences (Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series) by Simon Gathercole
LTL Price: $60
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This book addresses two central questions in current research on the Gospel of Thomas: what was its original language and which early Christian works influenced it? At present, theories of Thomas as a Semitic work abound. Simon Gathercole dismantles these approaches, arguing instead that Thomas is Greek literature and that the matter of Thomas’s original language is connected with an even more controverted question: that of the relationship between Thomas and the canonical New Testament. Rather than being independent of Matthew, Mark and Luke (as in most Western Aramaic theories of Thomas) or thoroughly dependent on the four gospels (as in most Syriac approaches), Gathercole develops a newly refined approach to how Thomas is influenced by the Synoptic Gospels. Thomas can be seen to refer to Matthew as a gospel writer, and evidence is discussed showing that Thomas incorporates phraseology distinctive to Luke, while also extending that special Lukan language.