Below are some of the titles we added to our collection in June. Some books may be linked to reviews. Books linked to Review of Biblical Literature require a Society of Biblical Literature membership to see the full review, but you can read a brief description with the link provided.
- Allegiance, Opposition, and Misunderstanding: A Narrative Critical Approach to Mark’s Christology by Deven K. MacDonald (2018)
- Basics of Greek Accents: Eight Lessons with Exercises by John A. L. Lee (2018)
- Bat, Scalpel, Sheepskin, Beneath the Cross: Narratives on the Life of Gail Eason Hopkins edited Leah G. Hopkins and Thomas H. Olbricht (2018)
- Be the Bridge: Pursuing God’s Heart for Racial Reconciliation by Latasha Morrison (2019)
- Beyond the Obvious: Doorways to Understanding the New Testament by Donald Dale Walker (2014)
- The Bible and Sociological Contours: Some African Perspectives: Festschrift for Professor Halvor Moxnes edited by Zorodzai Dube, Loreen Maseno-Ouma and Elia Shabani Mligo (2018)
- The Book of Genesis (The Bible in Medieval Tradition) edited and translated by Joy A. Schroeder (2015)
- The Case for Proto-Mark: A Study in the Synoptic Problem by Delbert Burkett (2018)
- Christ, Creation and the Cosmic Goal of Redemption: A Study of Pauline Creation Theology as Read by Irenaeus and Applied to Ecotheology by J. J. Johnson Leese (2018)
- Christianity: The Basics by Bruce Chilton (2015)
- The Church of Us vs. Them: Freedom from a Faith That Feeds on Making Enemies by David E. Fitch (2019)
- Colegio del Pilar: Excavations in Jerusalem, Christian Quarter by Christa Clamer, Kay Prag, and Jean-Baptiste Humbert (2017)
- The Color of Compromise: The Truth about the American Church’s Complicity in Racism by Jemar Tisby (2019)
- Conflict Management and the Apostle Paul edited by Scot McKnight and Greg Mamula (2018)
- Constantine and the Cities: Imperial Authority and Civic Politics by Noel Lenski (2016)
- Death and Life: Resurrection, Restoration, and Rectification in Paul’s Letter to the Galatians by Andrew K. Boakye (2017)
- The Decadent Society: How We Became the Victims of Our Own Success by Ross Douthat (2020)
- The Divine Name in the Gospel of John: Significance and Impetus by Joshua J. F. Coutts (2017)
- Early Judaism: New Insights and Scholarship edited by Frederick E. Greenspahn (2018)
- The Earth Is the Lord’s: Essays on Creation and the Bible in Honor of Ben C. Ollenburger edited by Ryan D. Harker and Heather L. Bunce (2019)
- Empire and Gender in LXX Esther by Meredith J. Stone (2018)
- Empty Tomb, Resurrection, Apotheosis by John Granger Cook (2018)
- For Theirs Is the Kingdom: Inclusion and Participation of Children in the Gospel according to Luke by Amy Lindeman Allen (2019)
- Freedom’s Coming: Religious Culture and the Shaping of the South from the Civil War through the Civil Rights Era by Paul Harvey (2005)
- From Temple to Tent: From Real to Virtual World (Exodus 24:15-Numbers 10:28) by Sarah Hart (2019)
- Genesis 1-11: A New Old Translation for Readers, Scholars, and Translators by Samuel L. Bray and John F. Hobbins (2017)
- Godly Fear or Ungodly Failure?: Hevrews 12 and the Sinai Theophanies by Michael Harrison Kibbe (2016)
- God’s Body: The Anthropomorphic God in the Old Testament by Andreas Wagner (2019)
- The Gospel According to the Hebrews and the Gospel of the Ebionites edited by Andrew Gregory (2017)
- Gospel Images of Jesus Christ in Church Tradition and in Biblical Scholarship: Fifth International East-West Symposium of New Testament Scholars, Minsk, September 2 to 9, 2010 edited by Christos Karakolis, Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr, and Sviatoslav Rogalsky (2012)
- The Gospel of John and Jewish-Christian Relations edited by Adele Reinhartz (2018)
- Gregory of Nyssa’s Doctrinal Works: A Literary Study by Andrew Radde-Gallwitz (2018)
- A Hermeneutic of Wisdom: Recovering the Formative Agency of Scripture by J. de Wall Dryden (2018)
- Hermeneutics as Apprenticeship: How the Bible Shapes Our Interpretive Habits and Practices by David I. Starling (2016)
- The Hermeneutics of Christological Psalmody in Paul: An Intertextual Enquiry by Matthew Scott (2014)
- History, Theology, and Narrative Rhetoric in the Fourth Gospel by Harold W. Attridge (2019)
- The Holiness Composition in the Book of Exodus by Paavo N. Tucker (2017)
- House of Weeping: The Motif of Tears in Akkadian and Hebrew Prayers by David A. Bosworth (2019)
- I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness by Austin Channing Brown (2018)
- Isaiah Through the Centuries by John F. A. Sawyer (2018)
- James in Postcolonial Perspective: The Letter as Nativist Discourse by K. Jason Coker (2015)
- Jesus, Sin, and Perfection in Early Christianity by Jeffrey S. Siker (2015)
- Jonah and the Meaning of Our Lives: A Verse-by-Verse Contemporary Commentary by Rabbi Steven Bob (2016)
- Jubilees: A Commentary on the Book of Jubilees in Two Volumes (Hermeneia: A Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible) by James C. VanderKam (2018)
- The Justice Calling: Where Passion Meets Perseverance by Bethany Hanke Hoang and Kristen Deede Johnson (2016)
- The Letter to Philemon (The New International Commentary on the New Testament) by Scot McKnight (2017)
- Leviticus (Wisdom Commentary, 3) by S. Tamar Kamionkowski (2018)
- Literary Approaches to the Bible edited by Douglas Mangum and Douglas Estes (2017)
- The Logic of God: 52 Christian Essentials for the Heart and Mind by Ravi Zacharias (2019)
- The Lord of the Gospel of John: Narrative Theory, Textual Criticism, and the Semantics of Kyrios by Paul C. J. Riley (2019)
- Luke: A New Covenant Commentary by Diane G. Chen (2017)
- Mesopotamia y el Antiguo Testamento by Francesc Ramis Darder (2019)
- Mirages in the Desert: The Tradition-Historical Developments of the Story of Massah-Meribah by Roy E. Garton (2017)
- The Neglected C. S. Lewis by Mark Neal and Jerry Root (2020)
- The Origins of Isaiah 24-27: Josiah’s Festival Scroll for the Fall of Assyria by Christopher B. Hays (2019)
- The Oxford Handbook of Johannine Studies edited by Judith M. Lieu and Martinus C. de Boer (2018)
- The Oxford Handbook of the Writings of the Hebrew Bible edited by Donn F. Morgan (2019)
- Perceiving the Other in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity edited by Michal Bar-Asher Siegal, Wolfgang Grünstäudl, and Matthew Thiessen (2017)
- The Persistence of God’s Endangered Promises: The Bible’s Unified Story by Allan J. McNicol (2018)
- The Prophetic Literature by Carolyn J. Sharp (2019)
- Proverbs (Readings: A New Biblical Commentary) by Alan Moss (2015)
- Psalms, Volume 2 (The NIV Application Commentary) by W. Dennis Tucker, Jr. and Jamie A. Grant (2018)
- Purity, Community, and Ritual in Early Christian Literature by Moshe Blidstein (2017)
- The Quranic Jesus: A New Interpretation by Carlos A. Segovia (2018)
- Reading Corinthians and Philippians within Judaism: Collected Essays of Mark D. Nanos by Mark D. Nanos (2017)
- Reading Hebrew Bible Narratives by J. Andrew Dearman (2019)
- Reading Paul within Judaism: Collected essays of Mark D. Nanos, Vol. 1 by Mark D. Nanos (2017)
- Reading Romans After Supersessionism: The Continuation of Jewish Covenantal Identity by J. Brian Tucker (2018)
- Reading Sacred Scripture: Voices from the History of Biblical Interpretation by Stephen Westerholm and Martin Westerholm (2016)
- Reading the Epistle of James: A Resource for Students edited by Eric F. Mason and Darian R. Lockett (2019)
- Revisiting the Religious Life of Palmyra edited by Rubina Raja (2019)
- The Rhetoric of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark by David M. Young and Michael Strickland (2017)
- The Role of the Synagogue in the Aims of Jesus by Jordan J. Ryan (2017)
- The SBL Commentary on the Septuagint: An Introduction edited by Dirk Büchner (2017)
- Secret Groups in Ancient Judaism by Michael E. Stone (2018)
- Sense Perception and Testimony in the Gospel According to John by Sunny Kuan-Hui Wang (2017)
- A Socio-Rhetorical Interpretation of the Letter to Philemon in Light of the New Institutional Economics: An Exhortation to Transform a Master-Slave Economic Relationship into a Brotherly Loving Relationship by Alex Hon Ho Ip (2017)
- Sodomscapes: Hospitality in the Flesh by Lowell Gallagher (2017)
- Song of Songs (Wisdom Commentary Series) by F. Scott Spencer (2017)
- Speaking of Dying: Recovering the Church’s Voice in the Face of Death by Fred Craddock, Dale Goldsmith, and Joy V. Goldsmith (2012)
- Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America by Ibram X. Kendi (2016)
- Staying the Course: Fifteen Leaders Survey Their Past and Envision the Future of Churches of Christ edited by Thomas H. Olbricht and Gayle M. Crowe (2019)
- A Stone of Hope: Prophetic Religion and the Death of Jim Crow by David L. Chappell (2004)
- Studies in Ancient Persia and the Achaemenid Period edited by John Curtis (2020)
- Studying the New Testament through Inscriptions: An Introduction by D. Clint Burnett (2020)
- The Syriac Peshitta Bible with English Translation: The Book of Women: Ruth, Susanna, Esther, and Judith English translation by Donald M. Walter, Gillian Greenberg, and Eric Tully; text prepared by George A. Kiraz and Joseph Bali (2020)
- The Syriac Peshitta Bible with English Translation: Genesis English translation by Craig E. Morrison with the assistance of Claudio Balzaretti, and Mirko Pozzobon; text prepared by George A. Kiraz and Joseph Bali (2019)
- The Syriac Peshitta Bible with English Translation: Psalms English translation by Richard A. Taylor; text prepared by George A. Kiraz and Joseph Bali (2020)
- Theology and History in the Fourth Gospel: Tradition and Narration by Jörg Frey (2018)
- “The Time is Fulfilled”: Jesus’s Apocalypticism in the Context of Continental Philosophy by Lynne Moss Bahr (2019)
- Trouble I’ve Seen: Changing the Way the Church Views Racism by Drew G. I. Hart (2016)
- Wonderful Things: A History of Egyptology : 1: From Antiquity to 1881 by Jason Thompson (2015)
- Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary: John, Volume 2A by Craig S. Keener (2019)