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Off The Shelf: Highlights from the LTL Collection

BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY & ANCIENT EGYPT — These two subjects will be the focus of Dr. James Hoffmeier’s upcoming lecture at the LTL.

We created a list of books ranging across these two fields, encompassing topics such as: Egyptian burial ceremonies; the resurgence of Egyptian studies in the 20th century; the history of archaeological discoveries in Egypt; methods in Egyptology; using archaeology to understand the Bible; and defending Biblical archaeology’s historicity. For each book, we have included a short description and the Library of Congress call number so that you can find the book in the library. We have also highlighted a few of Hoffmeier’s own publications, some of which will be for sale at the upcoming lecture.

Whether you are looking for a general introduction to Egypt’s past or wish to delve deeper into the relationship between Biblical archaeology and ancient near eastern history, these are great reads to find before or after the lecture on May 21st!