Hall of Reason: Dreams and Visions

Scripture is full of examples of visions. Dreams are an important part of many biblical stories and passages. We know from sleep studies that dreaming is part of a human’s healthy sleep cycle. This Hall of Reason will provide the scientific underpinnings of dreams, including how science evaluates visions and

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Summer Shorties All Year Long

We started “Summer Shorties” in the summer of 2022 and it was so successful we decided to make it a regular offering. The idea is that we can expand our faith and how God sees all of His image bearers by reading fiction. Fiction lets us see life outside of

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Café Theology offers The Bible & the Qur’an: Making Connections

This mini-series will make connections between material in the Bible and in the Qur'an, and hence explore ways in which Muslims and Christians can make better human connections and communicate what really matters to them. Click the image for more information and to register.

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Learning Center Update, January 2023

Despite the rain and that little cold spell that we had, our craftsmen and women continue to make progress on the Learning Center. It is an amazing undertaking and will be a beautiful and useful part of the Lanier Foundation mission and goal. Click the image above for more pictures!

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