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Tyndale House

Tyndale House, Cambridge, is an international centre for research in the Bible, with one of the foremost libraries of biblical scholarship.

The idea for a biblical research library arose in the 1940s, from some Christian leaders who were distressed by the lack of evangelicals in biblical scholarship. Tyndale House opened in 1945, as part of Inter-Varsity Fellowship (now UCCF; Tyndale House became an independent charity in 2015). Many leading evangelical scholars have spent time here, including J. I. Packer, John Stott, D.A. Carson, and Wayne Grudem. Significant publications which have originated here include the Tyndale Commentary series (starting in the 1960s) and the Tyndale House Greek New Testament (2017).

Our vision is a world that takes the Bible seriously. We are working to build confidence in, and understanding of, the Bible through outstanding research.

Tyndale House is not just a library, therefore, but an international research centre specialising in the languages, history, and cultural context of the Bible. We have academic teams working on a textual commentary for the Tyndale House Greek New Testament and on names in ancient Near Eastern inscriptions in relation to the Old Testament. We also publish Tyndale Bulletin, an academic journal of biblical studies.

There is a wonderful community of evangelical scholars from around the world here, studying the Bible at the highest level. Some are here for the duration of their PhD studies at the University of Cambridge. Others are visiting scholars undertaking a piece of research or church leaders working on writing projects. They all long to honour Christ through their biblical research, blending faith and scholarship, so weekly chapel services are at the centre of Tyndale House life.

This work is not for the sake of academic excellence alone, but is ultimately to benefit the church. Tyndale House is working to raise up scholars for the global church by supporting institutions in the Majority World, and inviting people to Cambridge to develop skills in biblical languages or other aspects of biblical scholarship.

A vital part of what we do is making the fruits of the research and learning accessible to the wider church. We publish popular-level articles and podcast series, run day conferences, and provide speakers for local churches and major conferences. We want Christians to deepen their trust in the Bible and develop fluency in reading and understanding it. As far as possible we make our resources freely available, relying on the Lord’s provision through the generosity of the Christian community.

A third sphere of Tyndale House’s work is in the wider world: we want people who are not Christians to develop confidence in the Bible, and come to know Christ through it. We are always eager for opportunities to engage in Bible-related apologetics, and to encourage people to take the Bible seriously.

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