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Episode 156 The Visual Museum, Women in Early Christian Art


Episode 156 The Visual Museum, Women in Early Christian Art

Lynn Cohick and Sandra Glahn recently joined David Capes on The Stone Chapel Podcasts to talk about a new initiative and project, The Visual Museum.

Dr. Lynn Cohick is Distinguished Professor of New Testament and Director of the Houston Theological Seminary at Houston Christian University.  Dr. Sandra Glahn is Professor of Media Arts and Worship at Dallas Theological Seminary.

What is the Visual Museum?

This project began with Sandra Glahn taking students to Europe to study medieval art and spirituality.  What she and her students noticed in the artwork were images of women taking on leadership positions in the church. 

Often the written record does not tell much about this, but the art does.  It is a lost part of the church’s history. 

So, Sandra, Lynn and her team have created a website to tell that part of the story.  You can find it in Beta version at 

Women in art and the early Christian church

Not only do you see good quality images of this artwork, you also are introduced to the stories of these remarkable women. 

Not all can be identified, but the art is clear in representing women at high levels of leadership. Now this is true not only in the medieval era; it was evident in earlier centuries as well. 

The Visual Museum is about gathering these images and telling these stories.  Others who are traveling to Europe are taking photographs and doing some research for them. 

Students are researching and writing.  In addition, to learning something of art history, they are learning about their own history.  Make sure you hear the two touching stories at the end.

More Resources

Lynn Cohick (with Amy Brown Hughes), Christian Women in the Patristic World: Their Influence, Authority, and Legacy in the Second through Fifth Centuries (2017)

Sandra Glahn, Nobody’s Mother: Artemis of the Ephesians in Antiquity and the New Testament (2023)

For a transcript of this podcast, click here.

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