The Stone Chapel Podcasts
Hosted by David Capes
Carmen Imes
Carmen Imes, Bearing God's Name: Why Sinai Still Matters
Dr. Carmen Joy Imes, Associate Professor of Old Testament at Prairie College in Alberta, Canada, joins David Capes to talk about her book, Bearing God's Name: Why Sinai Still Matters (InterVarsity Press, 2019). While some Christian leaders want to disconnect from the Old Testament law, Dr. Imes thinks is it indispensable that we get back to Sinai in order to understand what God has been up to all along. Without understanding Israel's mission, we may miss our own. Particularly, she makes a convincing case for what it means "to take the Lord's name in vain." The story of Israel is the wilderness at Sinai is not ancient. If we take it seriously, it is our story too.
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