Lecture: “The Resurrection of Jesus: The Minimal Facts Approach” from Gary Habermas

A LECTURE_LABEL from the series "LTL Lecture Series Academic Year 2024-2025." In this lecture, Gary Habermas will explore his approach to analyzing ancient sources to determine “what really happened.” He argues that even agnostics, atheists, and skeptics must acknowledge certain facts. Dr. Habermas identifies six historical facts that support the

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Lecture: “C.S. Lewis and the Problem of Pain” from Amy Orr-Ewing

A LECTURE_LABEL from the series "LTL Lecture Series Academic Year 2024-2025." C.S. Lewis has had a phenomenal impact on the reception of the Christian faith beyond his own lifetime. His writing on the Problem of Pain has been particularly meaningful for people struggling to reconcile a loving God with this

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Lecture: “The Gospels and the Anti-Slavery Movement” from Esau McCaulley

A LECTURE_LABEL from the series "LTL Lecture Series Academic Year 2024-2025." During the 19th-century, there was extensive theological and biblical debate around the issue of slavery in North America. The scholarly consensus seems to suggest that the pro-slavery faction had the better biblical argument, but the pro-abolitionist side had the

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Lecture: “La Iglesia de Siglo XXI (The Church in the 21st Century)” from Pablo Deiros

A LECTURE_LABEL from the series "LTL Lecture Series Academic Year 2023-2024." ¿Cómo podemos imaginar a la iglesia del presente siglo XXI? Hay ciertas consideraciones que nos permiten darnos cuenta de que nunca como hoy se ha visto más claramente la necesidad de des-institucionalizar a la iglesia y transformarla en lo

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