Ph. (346) 336-5010 | Hours: 9 - 5 M - F, Tues 9 - 9

Lecture: “Philosophical Issues in the Atonement: In Defense of Penal Substitution” from William Craig

John Warwick Montgomery - October 16, 2021

John Warwick Montgomery, Why Do Unbelievers Reject the Solid Evidences for Christian

Evidential apologetics employs the principle that if the evidence for the faith is of the kind unbelievers themselves must employ to arrive at good decisions, they must either accept the truth of the gospel supported by parallel argumentation OR stop employing the same reasoning in their secular decision-making. Legal/juridical apologetics carries that same principle further: if the Christian message can be supported by arguments qualitatively the same as those normatively employed in courts of law, the unbeliever must recognize and accept the force of the Christian case OR jettison the legal system itself (an entirely nonsensical alternative). This lecture offers a trenchant illustration by way of the reasons clients irrationally reject the good advice of their own lawyers. #johnwarwickmontgomery #ltl #laniertheologicallibrary #evidentialapologetics #christiantruth #biblicalchristianity

From Series: "LTL Lecture Series Academic Year 2021-2022"

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