Ph. (346) 336-5010 | Hours: 9 - 5 M - F, Tues 9 - 9

Lecture: “The Second Coming and Paul: Did He Expect to Survive to the End” from Simon Gathercole

James Charlesworth - March 4, 2017

The Theological Value of the ‘Rejected Texts’ and Dead Sea Scrolls for Understanding Jesus

This lecture will challenge the assumption that the books of the so-called Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha are of no value or that they are “false” and “heretical.” Such a jaundiced view fails to see their value, even if excluded from most Christian Bibles. Some of these books were sacred for communities of faith and they shed important light on the theology and interpretation being explored and debated among Jews and Christians at the end of the Second Temple period. This lecture will help us understand that these books are of great importance in our study of this world-changing period.

From Series: "LTL Lecture Series Academic Year 2016-2017"

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