Ph. (346) 336-5010 | Hours: 9 - 5 M - F, Tues 9 - 9

Lecture: “The Second Coming and Paul: Did He Expect to Survive to the End” from Simon Gathercole

Simon Gathercole - May 21, 2022

The Second Coming and Paul: Did He Expect to Survive to the End

The general view among scholars is that Paul expected to survive until the return of Christ, and that he also expected many of those in his churches to survive to the end. The implication of this view is that Paul got it wrong. This lecture will challenge that assumption, demonstrating that there are better ways to read these key texts and that in fact, Paul was agnostic about whether he would survive until the second coming or not.

From Series: "LTL Lecture Series Academic Year 2021-2022"

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