Ph. (346) 336-5010 | Hours: 9 - 5 M - F, Tues 9 - 9

Lecture: “The Big Questions: Richard Dawkins Versus C. S. Lewis on the Meaning of Life” from Alister McGrath

Don Finto - September 12, 2020

Don’t Retire; Refire!

Don’t Retire; Refire! Retirement in America is usually seen as the well-earned reward for hard work and good planning, or at least frugal living. Talk of travel, a bucket list and golf often accompany plans for kicking back to enjoy one’s later years, if good health allows. Don Finto, near the end of nine decades of life, will challenge lecture attendees to consider far more.

From Series: "LTL Lecture Series Academic Year 2020-2021"

The lecture series for this season begins with the ending of the COVID epidemic. It's an epic year in terms of social distancing and the LTL programs will be live streamed. We have chosen the motif for this lecture series in the carved motifs of the library doors. They have likely seen a lot of people walk through them over possible centuries. Mark Lanier, the founder, stated it this way: “I found the doors at an architectural salvage store.  I liked that the doors clearly had a history, but that history was lost to time.  They were salvaged doors.  To me, that resonated. Much of my faith is confidence that God can and does restore that which is lost.  Coming into the library seemed an appropriate time to acknowledge that.”

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