Mark on “Point of View” with Kerby Anderson discussing Religions on Trial
Point of View is an issues-oriented live talk show heard daily nationwide. Kerby Anderson will interview Mark on his new book, “Religions on Trial.” To watch Mark, Tuesday, December 13, 2022 at 1 pm, click the “READ MORE” button
Episode 111 The Hebrew Prophets with Danny Carroll
Danny Carroll is an expert in the Hebrew Prophets. He’s thought deeply and written significantly about them for years. In this podcast he discusses his new book, The Lord Roars: Recovering the Prophetic Voice for Today.
Episode 110 The Prophets of Israel with Jim Hoffmeier
Dr. Hoffmeier is a renown Old Testament scholar and field archaeologist. In this book "The Prophets of Israel", he explores the non-writing and writing prophets of the Old Testament against their cultural backdrop.