Episode 180 C.S. Lewis & the Spiritual Life, Alister McGrath

C.S. Lewis is one of the best communicators, and apologists. Teachers can use his writings to fire the imagination and help people grow in their faiths.

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Episode 167 Mary’s Voice: Advent Readings with Amy Orr-Ewing

Mary’s Voice is a Christmas devotional for the Advent Season. Dr. Orr-Ewing wanted to amplify Mary, the mother of Jesus, as a key witness to the incarnation

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Episode 162 Apologetics in Strasbourg France

Episode 162 Apologetics in Strasbourg, France with Craig Parton A few years ago David Fleming, the executive director of the Lanier Foundation, and Mark Lanier signed an agreement to host annually the John Warwick Montgomery Lecture in Evidential Apologetics.  Along the way we have become acquainted with the International Academy

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Episode 137 Capturing Christianity with Cameron Bertuzzi

Capturing Christianity began from a desire to know if Christianity could be rationally & intellectually defended. Their YouTube channel has 178,000 subscribers.

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